What We Believe: We believe in the Trinity which consist of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, who are three in One. We believe that the Father sent His Son (Jesus) to die on our behalf for our sins, saving us from eternal separation from Him. We believe that God through the power of His Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, giving all who believe and accept Jesus, not only as their Savior, but also making Him their Lord, will be saved and seated in heavenly places with Him. We believe that God is Love and through His love anyone who wants to turn from their evil ways and repent will be forgiven and accepted into God’s family because God is married to the backslider. We believe that there is life after death, a heaven and a hell, and anyone who believes that Jesus is the way to the Father will live forever with Him in Heaven and anyone who rejects Jesus will spend eternity in hell separated from God forever. We believe that Family is important in the eyes of God. |